MBE & QIF Summit Presentations Abstracts

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MBE Summit Presentations Abstracts

Day 1 Tuesday April 16, 2024

Keynote: Digital Engineering at Boeing

The Boeing Company is engaged in a comprehensive update to the way aerospace products and services are designed, manufactured, and supported centered around the latest advances in computing technology.  Digital Engineering is a term that Boeing uses to encompass the combination of two bedrock principles, a digital-first strategy and excellence at engineering practices.  As Boeing takes this journey, so too, will the suppliers that both consume and provide data to Boeing.

As the supply chain is an integral component of the Boeing Production System, the Digital Engineering approach has to account for this.  Boeing is taking steps to engage the supply chain proactively and provision for a digital future state that leverages a federated, standards-based ecosystem.  Boeing is sharing its strategy and focus areas on model-based engineering, standardization, and digital thread to generate a conversation on best practices for the aerospace industry.

ASME MBE Standards Committee

The Model-Based Enterprise (MBE) Standards Committee was established in 2018 and chartered to develop standards that provide rules, guidance, and examples for the creation and use of model-based datasets within a Model-Based Enterprise. The demand for implementing model-based initiatives is increasing across the industry, and so is the demand for providing industry standardization and guidance for the exchange of model-based information across the enterprise to harmonize people, processes, and tools. During this discussion, we will review the status of the MBE standards committee and the Y14/MBE Harmonization joint working group. It’s important to stay informed and actively engage in standards developments to maximize the return on your model-based investments.

Key takeaways:

  • The importance of industry standards
  • Overview of the ASME MBE Standards Committee and Y14/MBE Harmonization Working Group
  • How to actively engage with industry standards

ISO 10303 STEP: Model-Based before Model-Based was Cool

This presentation will discuss the standards at the cornerstone of MBD:  ISO 10303: Automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange. Informally as “STEP” (Standard for the Exchange of Product model data), it represents 3D objects in Computer-aided design (CAD) and related information. It will cover where we are with current capabilities, research and development in the field, and where we want to be looking ahead.

DMSC: one Consortium; Trinity of Standards

The DMSC is a not-for-profit, cooperative sponsorship consortium organization. It was conceived & sponsored in 1983 and became a separate legal entity in 2005. Its mission is dedicated to identifying, promoting, fostering, and encouraging the development and interoperability of standards that benefit the digital metrology community. Its membership participants consist of a professional group of manufacturing metrologists, software developers, and innovators worldwide. As an ANSI accredited standards organization, the DMSC is the maintainer of the Dimensional Measuring Interface Standard (DMIS) standard, the developer & maintainer of the Quality Information Framework (QIF) standard, and the most recent, very soon developer of the Model-Based Characteristics (MBC) standard.
The speaker will provide a brief on the DMSC and updates on its current triad of standards and how they work together to connect the digital thread.

Enabling Delivery Uncompromised Digital Threads

An operational Model-Based Enterprise depends on two key elements; a robust and accurate 3D Model-Based Definition in which to define a Product and a reliable Digital Thread which can provide the Product Definition where it is needed and when it is needed. As the level of sophistication of the applications that depend on the 3D Model-Based Definition continues to expand so does the need to increase the depth and breadth of the model. There is a concern that this can lead to a loss of control of intellectual property and the compromise of the technical data for critical assets. It is incumbent upon both the producers and consumers of 3D Model Based Technical Data to recognize the need for Digital Threads which can Deliver Uncompromised both internal to the enterprise and along the extended Supply Chain.

Why QIF has been the catalyst for the digital thread

Presentation from Lockheed Martin on why developing QIF capabilities for the factory floor is a leading factor in implementing the digital thread. In order to fully realize the benefits of using the QIF workflow multiple data exchanges are needed across different functional groups and data formats

The Secret Life of Geometric Modeling in the Digital Thread: PMI & PDQ & Features, Oh My!

In the digital transformation to a Model-Based Enterprise (MBE), many digital thread and Computer-Aided (CAx) managers are faced with implementation challenges in their selection of applications and workflows. In this emerging digital paradigm, many times there is confusion around technical solutions and software tools versus business demands and user requirements. For instance, should a geometric model be represented in STEP, QIF, or native CAD? What drives this selection? In this discussion we unpack these decisions in relation to CAx domain (Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Computer-Aided Inspection (CAI), Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM), Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE)), Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI), Product Data Quality (PDQ), “Features”, and neutral data standards. The talk is given from the perspective of a CAx application developer and standards contributor to engineers and engineering managers working in the MBE.

MBE’s Digital Thread from Design Intent to Quality Verification

Pratt & Whitney is on a multi-year digital transformation to model-based enterprise (MBE). The journey is multi-faceted – exploring and utilizing variety of industry standards and software implementations.  

The model-based enterprise journey at Pratt & Whitney (P&W) involves a transition from a 2-dimensional (2D) drawing as the design authority (potentially supported by a 3-dimensional (3D) computer-aided design (CAD) model) to a CAD Model (containing fully digitally annotated product and manufacturing information (PMI) ) as the design authority and communicating requirements that must be met by manufacturing and inspection. Digitally annotated product information is shared with the producer through a Technical Data Package (TDP). This package encompasses a spectrum of files, both human and machine-readable, containing essential details required for manufacturing and inspection activities. Importantly, the annotated CAD model maintains its status as the ultimate design authority throughout this journey.  

The TDP provides an authoritative source of truth (ASoT) and interoperable definition to establish a digital thread from design intent to quality verification. This discussion highlights the value of using the quality information framework (QIF) to provide a traceable link to validate design intent.

Day 2 Wednesday, April 17, 2024

How TDPs and QIF move DOD data acquisition towards automation

There are issues in the digital exchange of technical data between Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), government entities, and suppliers. The discrepancies are mainly due to differences in the software tools, processes, and standards used for data exchange. It is essential to understand that these issues are interrelated and need to be addressed to establish a consistent and reliable framework for data custody. One solution is to use 3D Technical Data Packages (TDPs) that include Model-Based Definition (MBD) along with the Quality Information Framework (QIF). This method provides a clear path for seamless technical data flow. You can learn more about this framework for exchanging technical data that includes automatable data elements within the TDP.

Data Element Mapping & Analysis (DEMA): A Systematic Method to Implement a Complete Digital Thread

Research has shown that the Digital Thread and Model-Based Enterprise efforts of both academia and industry have been almost solely focused on the software, syntax, standards, and semantics necessary for data exchanges. While the previous work done to enable infrastructure is essential to the realization of the Digital Thread, this research proposes that infrastructure itself does not constitute or automatically create the Digital Thread. Therefore, a significant gap exists in providing analytical tools that can be used alongside infrastructure technologies that are essential to the realization of the Digital Thread and Model-Based Enterprise. Data Element Mapping and Analysis (DEMA) fills this gap by offering a systematic method for the standardized capture, mapping, and analysis of data threads for digital system understanding and architecture. An initial Digital Thread initiative utilizing DEMA resulted in the creation of an improved data architecture workflow for an organization. With an assumed rate of $100 an hr., the improved workflow would result in $22,700 savings for each project and 227 man hours. If the improved workflow is utilized within the organization for 100 projects a year, this will equate to the elimination of almost 11-man years of effort and savings of more than $2M in budget.

Barriers to small-medium manufacturers adopting MBE

Small-medium manufacturers within the supply chain have been identified as a large barrier, preventing digitally mature manufacturers from tapping into the full utility of Model-Based Enterprise. When zooming into SMMs further, we find a slew of challenges plaguing them from progressing – resource limitations, skills/personnel, capital, to name a few. Often, digital maturity is an afterthought for many SMMs exacerbating the duality between OEMs’ MBE ambitions and SMMs’ subsistence. MxD, has made it a paramount objective to focus on SMMs, and moving the needle on progressing their maturity. The focus of MxD’s future projects in this space:

  • Building awareness: Why is MBE important and why should SMMs care?
  • Current Challenges?
  • What are the current options out there and are there solutions or cost-effective steps an SMM can take to begin their journey?
  • Looking at MBE assessments, can they be utilized to help a SMM roadmap?
  • How does MxD plan to get involved in this space?

MxD is diving headfirst into Generative AI and burgeoning tools like Large Language Models (LLM)/ Natural language processing (NLP). We plan on using these tools to build a platform that guides SMMs on their digital maturity, based on common language processing and unskilled input.

We expect this tool to help small medium manufacturers overcome the most common barriers preventing them from utilizing these resources – language/lexicon barriers, uncertainty around applications and tools used by their organization, and most importantly – next steps and how to progress. We intend to also provide vendors, from an unbiased standpoint, as solutions on the platform as well.

Harmonizing Model-Based Standards for Shipbuilding

This presentation will explore the current model-based standards landscape and discuss the challenges of creating a digital thread that persists throughout the enterprise. Many standards are created specific to their industry or function, leaving the standards disconnected. Such isolation presents a challenge when developing standards for digital information to connect. Existing model-based standards for authoritative engineering product definition, exchange, reuse, and data management are isolated; this has led to digital transformation progression stall-out. Harmonizing model-based standards across functions and various standards organizations will allow the workforce to adopt the standards.

HII-Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS) and Action Engineering, LLC are collaborating on a special project that seeks to harmonize and govern model-based standards for the shipbuilding industry. Through this collaboration, we expect the following outcomes:

  • Workforce enabled by standardized, reliable data
  • Workforce with increased cross-functional communications
  • Explicitly documented collaboration between Navy, OEMs, and suppliers
  • Clearly defined digital Technical Data across the lifecycle
  • Automatable Technical Data elements
  • Real-world Digital Technical Data Examples
  • Traceable derivative data to the authoritative source
  • Validated Technical Data Standards and Guidelines
  • Validated Digital Technical Data examples
  • Validated Software Tool Technologies

Successful implementation and adoption of this project will not only enable the digital transformation of the shipbuilding industry but will also support an effective communication stream between the model-based standards for other assembly-based industries to leverage.

Hybrid Standards & Ad‐hoc Approach to Balance Near-Term Needs with a Long-Term Information Assurance Vision

The focus of MBE Summit 2024 is harmonizing the need to author models which support immediate tasks with the need to provide the 3D Model-Based Definition and related Technical Data necessary to enable interoperability using Digital Threads and “long term archival and retrieval” using an adaptable standards-based neutral approach. A reality is the functionality necessary to create the 3D Model-Based Definition and related Technical Data used for design, manufacture, and sustainment is performed in silos. Establishing inter-Enterprise and intra-Enterprise Digital Threads is accomplished using a plethora of standards based and specialized translators. “Core” data is the minimum viable set necessary to support Form, Fit, and Function (FFF) and Operations, Maintenance, Installation, and Training (OMIT); and has broad applicability across enterprise, domain, and lifecycle boundaries. This information may be common across DoD and most appropriately defined using international standards. “Domain Specific” data is the additional information used to define characteristics and behaviors unique to a product category or a specific process common across enterprise boundaries. This information may be most appropriately defined through government, industry, national, or international standards. “Ad-hoc” data addresses situations peculiar to an enterprise, product, or process where existing standards are insufficient. Although the DoD strives for technical data standardization across the Digital Engineering ecosystem, enabling contingencies which can allow the completion of immediate tasks also need to be supported. For over six decades we have attempted to locate the holy grail, but alas, it has not yet been found. Perhaps it is time to recognize we will not soon find the 100% solution and instead we should take a more pragmatic approach. Let this MBE Summit be where we begin to determine that more pragmatic approach.

Demonstrating Standards-Based Digital Threads at Scale: Current Progress at Air Force ManTech

Demonstrating robust technical data handling at the scale of complex product systems, such as DoD weapon systems, remains a challenge. Causes include (i) the distributed-ness of production systems, (ii) a disconnect between the formal development of design requirements and the generation of downstream data, (iii) lack of interoperability of computer-supported tools through the production lifecycle, (iv) lack of adherence to industrial standards, and (v) data rights and access protocols, to name a few. For decades, researchers across industry, government, and academia have advocated for holistic standards-based approaches for supporting intra-organizational data exchange for complex product systems. Although there has been considerable progress, large-scale demonstrators that span both large (sub-)assemblies and organizations are significantly lacking. In response, Air Force ManTech has recently invested in several related projects that aim to push the bounds of data exchange for linking design, manufacturing, inspection, and sustainment activities. Project goals include (i) content authoring at scale for industrial augmented reality, (ii) data linking to support large-scale assembly, and (iii) semantic reasoning at scale with manufacturing data. This presentation will present progress of those efforts and highlight the developing partnerships across government and industry that will be key to the programs’ successes.

A Practical Approach to Implementing STEP

Implementation of STEP in the Digital Enterprise offers tremendous potential benefits for MBD design and manufacturing but it is also a large disruptor to current system architecture ecosystems, authoring methods, and processes. How do OEMs ensure internal STEP implementations are a full solution to meet business needs and manage the change?


MIL-STD-31000 is the DOD Standard on Technical Data Packages (TDPs). This standard is currently undergoing draft revision to add information related to additive manufacturing and how the 3D models to support additive manufacturing should be associated with the TDP.

Building the Digital Thread as a Process

There is a significant opportunity to improve the application of digital thread concepts within the manufacturing enterprise by focusing on the distribution and collection of data specific to the product and its progress through Design and Production steps. This presentation on Production Process Management (PPM) will demonstrate how a modeled process of the production steps and the accompanying information requirements can provide an omni-directional connection with data resources across the extended enterprise. PPM is a product-specific, event-driven process orchestration method that retrieves data from its source and delivers to the production workstation without relying on extensive integration between data silos. Information delivery and traceability are built in, along with the ability to respond to specific production anomalies as they occur. This product-driven approach allows for an evolving process that is easily revised in application logic by the manufacturer as the product and production methods change.

QIF Summit Presentations Abstracts

Day 3 Thursday April 18, 2024

QIF Overview & In-Depth Presentation – QIF Summit

An in-depth QIF presentation with use cases.

MBD Characterization Workflows – QIF Summit

Characteristic Accountability with MBD, MBC, and QIF  
The characterization of Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) is a critical process step to ensure product requirements have been satisfied with traceability through verification results.   

Characterization is typically performed by the part producer with manual techniques downstream of the engineering product definition release. This approach falls well short of enabling the attributes needed in a digital thread like a single source of truth, speed, quality, traceability, interoperability, and consistency.   
This session will explore how Model Based Definition presents the opportunity for a paradigm shift in characterization that leverages the approaches below to realize the promised benefits of a digital thread.
– Shifting responsibility for characterization from the part producer to the OEM
– Authoring a complete Bill of Characteristics 
– Adhering to industry standards like QIF and the emerging Model-Based Characteristics (MBC) standard for characterization
– Including QIF to enable characteristic traceability and interoperability   

The Role of Business Process and Organizational Change Management in MBD/QIF Adoption

Introduction to Kalypso, a Rockwell Automation Business
– Brief overview of Kalypso as a subsidiary of Rockwell Automation.
– Alignment of Kalypso’s vision with Rockwell Automation’s goals, focusing on bridging the gap between Product Development & Digital Thread.

Business Considerations and Challenges in MBD/QIF Adoption
– Discuss the business implications and benefits of implementing MBD and QIF focusing on efficiency.  – Highlight the importance of requirement management systems in maintaining traceability as evidence of product safety.

Addressing Challenges and Importance of Organizational Change Management
– What -Organizations can do to overcome challenges in MBD and QIF adoption?
– Identify common challenges observed across multiple industries, such as Leaders’ disconnection from core development efforts and Laggards’ resistance to embracing the digital thread.

Model-Based Characteristics Primer – QIF Summit

The DMSC newly released ANSI standard for product characteristics overview.

QIF Training & Certifications – QIF Summit

This presentation covers the work that is being done by the DMSC in developing QIF training materials and certification programs.

Unleashing Manufacturing Efficiency: Connecting the dots with QIF and UUIDs

Challenge: Large-scale manufacturing generates a wealth of data across design, production, and quality, but isolated silos trap its true potential.

Solution: QIF standards and Unique Universal Identifiers (UUIDs) bridge these data gaps, creating a seamless “digital thread.” In this presentation we will sample a workflow that connects design tools (PTC Creo, Siemens NX) to manufacturing and quality control ((Capvidia’s MBDVidia and Hexagon’s PC DMIS), ensuring:
Design fidelity: As-built products perfectly match original specifications.
Improved efficiency: Streamlined communication, reduced delays, and informed decision-making. – – – Enhanced quality: Proactive defect detection and prevention.
– Demystifying UUIDs and QIF in leading CAD systems.
– Unveiling the power of the digital thread across the manufacturing lifecycle.
– Transforming your operations for greater efficiency, quality, and competitiveness.    

How Does QIF Help Organizations with Products Through the Manufacturing and Supply Chain?

How does QIF, or Quality Information Framework, help organizations with their products throughout the manufacturing and supply chain?  QIF is a complete Digital Transformation solution for engineering requirements and results to those requirements throughout the development and production processes. Several ways it provides value to the product lifecycle:

1. Standardization: QIF provides a standardized format for sharing quality information, ensuring consistency and compatibility across different systems and processes.
2. Improved Communication: It enhances communication between different departments and organizations involved in the manufacturing process, reducing errors and misinterpretations.
3. Data Accuracy: QIF helps maintain accurate quality data (datum related requirements, tolerances’), reducing the risk of defects, rework, and non-conformance, ultimately saving costs.
4. Streamlined Processes: It streamlines quality inspection and measurement processes, making them more efficient and reducing inspection times.
5. Traceability: QIF utilizing UUIDÕs enables traceability of quality data, allowing companies to track issues and their resolutions, which is crucial for continuous improvement.
6. Compliance: It helps companies adhere to industry standards and regulations, ensuring product quality and safety.
7. Data Analysis: QIF data can be analyzed to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement, leading to better decision-making.
8. Interoperability: QIF facilitates interoperability with various software and hardware, making it easier to integrate quality information into existing systems.  

Overall, QIF contributes to enhanced quality and manufacturing processes, reduced costs, and increased efficiency for companies involved in manufacturing and quality control.  

FridayDay 4 Friday April 19, 2024

QIF 4.0 Presentation – What is new in QIF 4.0?

  • Personal introduction, Tom Kramer
  • Timeline for finishing the QIF 4.0 standard
  • How did we get here?
  • Github repository qif-dev
  • Development process
  • Plusses and minuses of past progress
  • Major changes from QIF 3.0
  • Other changes from QIF 3.0
  • What Else Will Be Added?
  • QIF 3.0 to 4.0 Transition
  • Quality control on XML schema model