Join the DMSC

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DMSC Digital Metrology Standards Consortium

Founded in 2005, DMSC is a non-profit, member-funded organization with the broad mission of developing and supporting interoperability standards and quality data frameworks for the manufacturing field of digital metrology.

The Dimensional Measuring Interface Standard (DMIS) and the Quality Information Framework (QIF) are two such standards for which the consortium has oversight of development and support responsibility. Additionally, DMSC has other new metrology standards currently under development as a collaborative effort by DMSC member companies and like-minded industrial standards organizations.

QIF by DMSC blueThe DMSC is an ANSI Accredited Standards Developing Organization, as well as an A-Liaison to ISO. In August 2020, DMSC’s flagship standard, QIF, was harvested by the International Standards Organization (ISO) and elevated to ISO 23952:2020.

As advanced manufacturing companies move towards Model-Based Definition (MBD), QIF adoption has become an important tool supporting the digital thread concept for engineering applications ranging from product design through manufacturing to quality inspection.


We invite you to join our member-funded organization: Digital Metrology Standards Consortium

Make sure that your needs are well-represented in the QIF standard and industry conversation. Collaborate with subject matter experts in the manufacturing quality industry as we work together on emerging standards that benefit the digital thread going forward.

What is the commitment if I join?

The short answer is that this is up to each individual member. You can choose to participate in one or many Working Groups. When a Working Group is active on a version update, new standard, or as a preliminary task force, there may be 1-hour online conference calls as often as once a week. We host a virtual General Membership Meeting once a month. Participation in any of these activities is not a requirement of membership.

Need more information about the DMSC Member-Funded Organization?

Take a look at this short slide deck outlining the Who, What, & Why of the Digital Metrology Standards Consortium.
Share it freely with your decision making team.

Next Steps to Join the DMSC:

Membership Benefits Executive Summary

Membership Levels & Application

Complete and submit the short Membership Benefits & Application form to us for processing.

Online Membership Request form is also an option! (click here)

Send us a message through our Contact Us form if you have additional questions we can answer!

Reach out to our Executive Director …

DMSC’s Executive Director is available to answer any and all questions about the benefits of membership and membership level opportunities.
Mark Thomas