QIF Summit Participants Aid DMSC Roadmap

01 May 24

Although DMSC had plenty of activity to show at the recent QIF Summit, planning for the future is also an important task. Input from our membership is key to developing projects and programs that are relevant to the DMSC and QIF community. As an organization with limited resources, it is essential to deploy our DMSC talent and assets in a manner that provides the most value to the membership.

DMSC president, Curtis Brown (Honeywell), and BoD member, Jennifer Herron (Action Engineering), led an informal brainstorming session to collect ideas and priority interests from the 80 or so session participants who were quite active and animated in presenting their thoughts about the future of DMSC and QIF. Participants shared their ideas via “post-it notes” which were displayed to the group.
Curtis Brown remarked of the effort “We need to be cognizant of the wants and needs of our DMSC membership as we plan for the future.” Jennifer has collected input and will be tabulating the collective results of the post-it note collection of participant ideas and comments. Her work will then be presented to the DMSC BoD as guidance when an updated and refreshed organizational vision is developed.