DMSC to Highlight QIF Training Initiative at Chicago IMTS Show

27 May 24

IMTS EventDMSC will be exhibiting at the International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS), September 9 – 14, 2024 in Chicago, Illinois. In addition to a booth display (#135001), a DMSC in-person meeting is planned following exhibit hours. DMSC members and guests interested in learning more about DMSC are invited to participate. In addition to an organizational update, participants will hear from President Curtis Brown in his State of the DMSC address and receive a brief update from some of our QIF Solution Providers.

A “focus group” session is being planned to solicit ideas and comments about our new QIF training program. The QIF Training Working Group has been tasked with preparing a 3 to 5-minute presentation of a prototype training video. The  DMSC “focus group” will review and critique the presented prototype ideas and concepts.

Other in-person meeting topics may be added, as an agenda is under development.

Details of when and where are yet to be finalized. Please keep a look-out for future announcements this summer.