Autodesk Announces Support for QIF 3.0 in AutoCAD Inventor 2022

10 May 21

DMSC News Release
March 30, 2021

Autodesk logoAutodesk, Inc. recently released AutoCAD Inventor 2022 with a focus on collaboration workflow and automation. Quality Information Framework (QIF) 3.0 support has been added this new release. Previous AutoCAD versions included limited Jupiter Tessellation (JT) file support for exporting Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) data, while this latest version adds support for exporting semantic PMI data as part of a QIF file.

The new Autodesk Inventor 2022 functionality enables you to export a QIF file using the built-in export feature in the AutoCAD Inventor software product. QIF is an ANSI and ISO open standard framework that contains semantic PMI and other metadata. A QIF 3.0 file enables MBD (Model Based Definition) data to be used by downstream applications in manufacturing and quality.

Autodesk’s Knowledge Network explains the new “Export to QIF” feature in Inventor 2022:
Inventor 2022 Help | Export to QIF | Autodesk

DMSC President Curtis Brown

DMSC President Curtis Brown comments “…speaking for the DMSC Board of Directors, members of the DMSC, and all those who are QIF supporters, this is great news! We are so pleased that an American multinational software provider has included QIF export functionality for the manufacturing and metrology community.

The known impact of QIF for those pursuing digital engineering and model-based enterprise (MBE) is becoming more of a reality.

Thank you Autodesk.”

QIF 3.0 is published and available as ISO 23952-2020. AutoCAD Inventor 2022, a highly popular subscription-based 2D/3D CAD package developed by Autodesk, Inc, is available for download now.

The Digital Metrology Standards Consortium (DMSC) is an ANSI Accredited Standards Developing Organization, as well as an A-Liaison to ISO. QIF was harvested by the International Standards Organization and elevated to ISO 23952:2020 in August 2020.  The consortium invites participation within the consortium of other standards groups and implementers seeking to resolve the technology and other issues of automated (digital) metrology.

For more information contact Mark Thomas, DMSC Executive Director.