At the direction of the Digital Metrology Standards Consortium Board, Director Jennifer Herron of Action Engineering took the lead in conducting a series of meetings to build the DMSC 2020+ Road Map. We recently met with Jennifer to capture a summary of those meetings, the output achieved, and next steps.
Recap for us the objective of this initiative.
Our charge was to create a Digital Metrology Standards Consortium roadmap for near-term and longer term (e.g. 5 years) strategies related to the Quality Information Framework (QIF) standard.
Tell us more about your approach to meeting this objective.
I organized and led a series of road mapping exercises that started with the DMSC Board of Directors and general membership inputs. I then formed an ad-hoc strategic working group to accomplish the remainder of the road mapping using the digital sticky notes and ranking features delivered by the whiteboard tool, Stormboard.

Jennifer Herron
Who were the participants in this working group?
Jennifer Herron, Action Engineering, DMSC BOD
Curtis Brown, Honeywell, DMSC President
Mark Thomas, DMSC Executive Director
Murray Desnoyer Origin International
Rosemary Astheimer, Purdue, DMSC BOD
Cory Leland, Deere & Company, DMSC BOD
Larry Maggiano, Mitutoyo, DMSC BOD
Ray Stahl, 2BMobile, DMSC BOD
Beata Schoenberg, Zeiss
Tom Kramer, QIF Guru
Annalise Suzuki, Elysium
Toni Ventura, Datapixel
Are you still accepting new participants to join in future sessions to advance the DMSC 2020+ Road Map?
Absolutely! It’s been great to have fresh input and perspectives outside our regular Board discussions. Plus, we’ll be looking to expand our team with even more QIF implementation enthusiasm, case studies, white papers, and technical insights.
Why should someone put this on their radar and participate?
It’s an unparalleled opportunity to have a seat at the table and have your voice heard about what your company or organization needs when it comes to QIF implementation. It’s also a chance to influence future DMSC QIF product development and road mapping.
How often are you meeting?
We just wrapped-up six meetings over the course of Summer 2020. I expect we will meet again in Q4-2020 and Q1-2021 to review work done to date and cultivate the action plans around our ranked priorities.
When are the remaining scheduled meetings (dates, times)?
We don’t have any dates on the calendar yet, but anyone interested in joining our team should reach out to me (Jennifer Herron) personally via email, or check the DMSC website Events Calendar for future meeting dates.
Give us an abstract of what has been accomplished through October 2020.
- Brainstormed new ideas on where we want to take the Quality Information Framework/QIF ISO 23952:2020 Standard
- Participants voted or ranked their favorite ideas
- Weighted & assessed the impact versus difficulty of each idea
- Conducted a thorough discussion of each topic
- Created a list of Do Now, Do Next, Do Later, and Do Much Later
- Ecosystem
- Liaise with Other SDOs/Consortiums
- Next QIF Version(s)
- Marketing:
External Communications (Blogs, Website, Newsletter)
Member Expansion
What is the anticipated final output of this initiative?
Establishing a roadmap that identifies low hanging fruit and easy wins. We identified several great communications items to let the world know about our long-term goals and targets for the future, especially for the future versions of QIF.
Will this initiative spawn new/fresh DMSC Working Groups (WG)?
Most definitely. Here are a few that are already underway that we agreed were highly valuable and warranted activating immediately:
- Product Characteristic WG is really important for QIF and MBE (Model-Based Enterprise) and this working group has been meeting all year;
- Non-contact optical metrology was requested by JEITA (Japanese Electronics and Technology Industries Association) a new working group is being established to meet that request; and
- Liaising with MTConnect to determine how QIF can be advanced for use in the manufacturing sector.
Is there a written summary of what took place in the first working meetings of this initiative?
Yes, anyone interested in the details of generated ideas, discussion, and ranking of the ideas can click here to view our DMSC 2020+ Road Map.
Who is the best contact for more information?
Anyone wanting to join our efforts can reach out to:
Jennifer Herron, DMSC Board Director
Mark Thomas, DMSC Executive Director
Curtis Brown, DMSC President