DMSC Announces Upcoming MBE Summit and QIF Summit at MxD

27 December 23

DMSC and NIST logos

A premier joint event is being planned for 2024 – a QIF Summit held in conjunction with the highly popular MBE Summit, featuring technical content organized by NIST. The event venue will be the MxD facility in Chicago and will include three and a half days of MBE and QIF-centric technical presentations, roundtable discussions, and informational sessions from NIST and DMSC.

The MBE Summit is scheduled Tuesday and Wednesday, and the QIF Summit will be Thursday plus a half-day Friday – April 16 through April 19. One modest registration fee covers both programs.

The joint event technical program is currently being finalized by NIST and DMSC, with open registration anticipated for mid-January 2024.

There will be limited seating availability, so look for future announcements coming from DMSC over the next few weeks on the DMSC website and through broadcast emails. When you see these announcements, act quickly to avoid disappointment, as attendance will be limited to 200 participants.