DMSC Founder, soft-spoken Bailey H. Squier, brought laughter and memories of the “old days” of DMIS and DMSC during his unannounced visit to recent Standards Committee (SC) meeting held in Arlington, Texas June 20-22, 2023. His humor and wit brought smiles to all in attendance as he recounted the formation of the Digital Metrology Standards Consortium.

Curtis Brown, DMSC President (L) and
Bailey Squier, DMSC Executive Director Emeritus
Many participants of the SC meeting had already known Bailey from the early days of DMSC and the development of the Quality Information Framework/QIF and Dimensional Measuring Interface Standard/DMIS standards – going back to the 1980s. Bailey’s guidance and humor made working through the origins of early DMSC and QIF a pleasure.
Being author of the original DMIS standard, Bailey brought his experience as a nuclear physicist to the mission of going from an idea to a bona fide standards organization – what we now know as DMSC. He’s especially proud to know that both standards he helped develop have earned ISO status.
Bailey, now 87, entertained the in-person and on-line SC group with several stories about his tribulations transitioning pieces of the CAM-I organization into DMSC. DMSC became incorporated in 2005, and Bailey continues to serve the DMSC as Executive Director Emeritus.
Update 6/28/23: Sadly, shortly after this article was published, Bailey H. Squier passed over the bar, peacefully and surrounded by friends.

Bailey Squier (seated facing audience) recounts the formation of DMSC with the Standards Committee meeting June 20, 2023