Overview: Who-What-Why?

Why is QIF Relevant?

Modern quality manufacturing operations consist of complex cyber-physical systems that are required to constantly gather and use digital manufacturing data. Often multiple players throughout the supply chain employ one or more proprietary software products, resulting in a critical communication break between supply chain partners. The data relevant to each partner must be intelligently organized and communicated. Enter Quality Information Framework (QIF): an XML-based, CAD-agnostic platform and standard. QIF seamlessly defines, organizes, and associates quality information including: measurement plans, results, part geometry and product manufacturing information (PMI), measurement templates, resources, statistical analysis, etc.

DMSC Trending Today Interview with Curtis Brown 2019
  • Metrologists: QIF can be used to transmit information between supply chain partners on how and what to measure, as well as communicate the results from the measurement.
  • PLM/PDM owners: QIF can be used to bring your quality information into the “digital thread” for your manufacturing operation and associate all your quality information directly to your master model.
  • Metrology software implementers: QIF is an unambiguous, holistic, fully digital standard for metrology information. This will help software implementers, whether your organization is large or small in producing and/or consuming quality data.

QIF is created and managed by the Digital Metrology Standards Consortium, the DMSC. The DMSC is the creator, owner, and maintainer of the ANSI/ISO Dimensional Measuring Interface Standard (DMIS) standard, which is the most widely recognized and used standard in the field of metrology. QIF is an ANSI Standard; harvested by ISO in August 2020 to become ISO 23952:2020.

International Organization for Standardization is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 161 national standards bodies based in Geneva, Switzerland.

American National Standards Institute founded in 1918 is a 501(c)3 private, not-for-profit organization based in Washington DC.